Setelah gw membaca kembali tulisan-tulisan yang ada di blog gw, gw merasa kalo ternyata gw gak buruk2 amat ye kalo curhat HAHAHA. Gak buruk dalam arti, bahasa yg gw coba sampaikan ketika menulis. Hm.. gw bukan seorang yang hobi menulis, but it feels so great if i can be. Meskipun ada sih tulisan yang mbluet banget ye kan, tapi intinya cuma 1, evaluasi. Yeah, it on another post 🤪 Anyway that’s not the topic i want to talk. This time i want to talk about feeling secure. Pernah ga si kalian merasa when u build relationship with anyone, either it is your friend, collagues, partner, lover, u feel that u are secure enough? Well… this time i want to talk about feeling secure in romantic relationship. Have u ever felt that u are secure enough with your lover and u believe that they can protect and have a guard on you? So u wont feel worry or insecure for anything? And it happened effortlessly? Well, that’s how i am feeling right now. Feeling content, and secure for my love life. Actually, thi...